So many of us daily share our opinions in polls, on forums and in chatrooms. We enjoy the LEGO company product is so many different ways and we want the future of the brick to be a great one. We want to tell LEGO what we think and how we feel but other than a Dear LEGO area, that has no guaranty of being read, we really don't have a way to say what we feel.
Now you will have a chance to do so. Please take a few minutes to answer some questions about LEGO toys. I have a guarantee that these answers will be read in entirety by Jake McKee. Who will then use the information we supply in the way he sees fit. You can find the survey in two locations found below.
Remember that this is for positive and constructive feedback to the LEGO company. Inapproriate answers will not be sent. Please do not ask for the impossible and remember that LEGO is a business that needs to make a profit.
Please do not pass up and opportunity to be heard. It is like voting. If you don't vote do you have any right to complain about who is elected? If you say nothing then you have little right to complain of the direction LEGO goes. Help LEGO be the best toy company in the world.
I gave you my music made your song take wing. And now, how you've repaid me, denied me and betrayed me. He was bound to love you when he heard you sing, Christine...
You will curse the day you did not do all that the Phantom asked of you! ~Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera