The Almighty
Posts: 525
Post by Steven329 on Oct 17, 2005 5:47:08 GMT -5
Post by TheQ on Oct 18, 2005 2:53:04 GMT -5
I have this funny belief that if I start to talk about my current MOC, it won't be finished..
This is what Bob the Builder would look like with a mustache.[M:128]
Posts: 200
Post by RSP on Oct 18, 2005 12:42:47 GMT -5
I feel the same way, except I think that I'll build it, hate it, and then tear it down.
Post by J1A3L5 on Oct 18, 2005 13:15:47 GMT -5
I partly feel the same way. I have a small group of people who I routinely show what I'm building, and in turn I often see what they are. Then we give each other feedback on what we're building, any ideas, etc. Outside that, I try not to show anyone else. When you tell everyone what you're building constantly, it's really boring for people when it is finally finished: They've already seen it all before.
Post by CrustaceanFreak on Oct 20, 2005 23:35:45 GMT -5
Just curious Jail, have you built anything recently, last thing I remember you building was that castle wall a long time ago.
Me personally? I show some WIP shots of things I'm working on to a few people via AIM, and sometimes I'll tell the public out my projects that are just awaiting picture shoots/uploading. One of the big reasons is that when I say I'm working on building something, half the time I tear it apart and build something completely diffferent. My really big/important/awesome projects, well, I mostly only tell my friends I know personally about.
About your buildings, are you building those in mini-fig scale or mini-scale. That would be great for a mini-city diorama.