If I may tweak a bit:
$7-Gandalf's return: gandalf with frodo & horse w/ cart and some misc bricks for frieworks in the back
$10- drums in the deep: The well, and the book, with Gandalf, Pippin, Merry.
$15- Prancing Pony: The entrance and some tables + fireplace. Merry, Pippin, Butterbur and a Wraith.
$20- Strider and the Wraiths: small room in the prancing pony, with Strider, Frodo, Sam, Ringwraith
$20- Cave Troll. The doors, the cave troll, Boromir, 2 Goblin warriors
$40- Balin's Tomb. Balin's Tomb, with scattered debris, secret trapdoors, etc. Comes with Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and 4 Goblin warriors
$40- Rivendell. A small part of Elrond's home, the shrine of Narsil, and a council area that can attach. Elrond, Frodo, Aragorn, Boromir, Arwen.
$50- The Battle of Khazad-dum. Balrog, bridge of K-D, Gandalf, and 2 goblin archers.
$80- The Seeing Seat: The Seeing seat, on a brick-sculpted hill and baseplate. Various brick trees. Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Boromir, Lurtz, 3 Uruk warriors.
$20- Saruman's Plan: The main room of Orthanc. Palantir on plinth, Saruman, Lurtz, 2 uruk hai.
I think this cuts down on repetitive frodos and aragorns, and is distributed more the way Lego would (though, there are too many $20 sets for one release. Had to fit army builders in there though.) Also tried to fit wraiths in.
$7- Heroes Return: Eomer, with his gear and a horse, and Gandalf the White with his horse.
$10- Gollum and the hobbits: Gollum, Frodo, Sam, rocks.
$10- New Alliance: includes a man and an elf, along with a small, vignette-like portion of the wall. (probably 8-10 bricks tall, 8 studs wide)
$20- Edoras Throne: obvious setting, with Aragorn, Gandalf, Wormtongue, and Head-spinning Theoden.
$20- Helm's Deep Royalty: The room in Helm's Deep with Theoden, Gamling (movie version), and 2 Rohan Royal Guards.
$30- Saruman's Machines: The Uruk Hai Ballista and Siege ladder, comes with 4 or 5 Uruks.
$40- The Wall: A simple, but tall portion of the front curved wall. Features Rock-dropping action, secret doors, ramp. Aragorn, Gimli, Haldir, an elf and a rohirrim.
$50- The Entmoot: Merry, Pippin, Treebeard, and 2 other ents, along with boulders, and 3 orcs. (entmoot is a better, less violent name than "Ents dish out a bushwacking!" don't you think?
$90- Osgiliath under siege: Ruined town center of Osgiliath. Faramir, Madril (grey haired ranger), 2 Warriors of Gondor, Ringwraith, Fell beast.